Here’s how you can get involved with the Joint Civil Society Statement on Abortion

  • Translate the statement
  • Share the statement in your networks
  • Integrate the sign-on form to your website


Translate the statement

The Joint Civil Society Statement on Abortion should reach the maximum people around the globe and is meant to be a global call for accountability and progress, and therefore should be available in multiple languages. Through the years, many volunteers have contributed translations to the statement. We are always looking for more volunteers to produce translations into languages not yet available. If you would like to submit a translation, see the original text in English here, then send your version to [email protected]


Share the statement in your networks

Want to share the call for sign-on to the statement with your network of activists and organisations? We have prepared a promotion kit to help you disseminate the call. This document will give you examples of pre-prepared messages and images to use on social media, by email or through mobile messaging applications. Contact us to get the link to the promotion kit. 


Integrate the sign-on form to your website

You can also add the sign-on form directly to your website by using the code below:

<iframe class="webform-share-iframe" style="min-width:100%;width:1px;" src="//" title="57th session of HRC Abortion Statement |" frameborder="0" allow="geolocation; microphone; camera" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>&nbsp;<script src="//[email protected]/js/iframeResizer.min.js"></script>&nbsp;<script>iFrameResize({}, '.webform-share-iframe');</script>